I’m glad you’ve found solace. What you don’t mention though is that many people don’t. Suicidality can be episodic, but it also tends to be recurring. This is mostly true for doubly and triply marginalized people whose contend with oppression daily. As Durkheim famously pointed out well over a century ago, suicide patterns aren’t random. Having the whim to jump off a bridge (even if it persists for weeks or months) is one thing: killing oneself because one grows up on a purposefully neglected indigenous reserve is another (and these suicides tend to be successful, even if they take more than one attempt). As a chronically suicidal person who has been failed by the system since birth, I’m inclined to frame my future death and the deaths of innumerable peers less as self-inflicted and more as state-sponsored murder. I mostly stay alive out of spite, because doing so within a society that has been designed to kill me (and finding pockets of joy along the way) is the best resistance I’ve come up with. Returning to my original point, a net is a bandaid for much deeper structural issues.